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Present Architecture is, mostly, corrupt. We usually face two options: either the centre of design is the money that a few want to make, or it is the firm and the artist-architect’s exhilaration.


[ dsigñ.] joins the movement of responsible architects that – yet minority – will take forward our profession.


[ dsigñ.] values:


  • We care about people. We try to create places where people will be comfortable, surprised and will enjoy.


  • We do not only care about the final solution to be the perfect one for the client, but also we focus our efforts on improving the client/s experience along the journey to reach this solution.


  • We are conscious of the social change and therefore, we lean on new technologies with two clear objectives: achieve complete designs in all user’s universes and improve communication between such users.


  • We are environmentally friendly, always trying to generate the minimum energy consumption. This means a continuous study of constructive systems, either traditional or contemporary, and their real impact on nature: since the production of raw materials to its maintenance and obsolescence.


  • Microurbanism as a testing way within the macrourbanism, which has been implemented in the city for several years. Small actions validated by users help us to create scalable urban movements so we could get a validated macrourbanism.


  • We are great supporters of cultural heritage and therefore, we feel the need to adapt it to our time. This means intervening on it always respecting the concepts it advocates and including them to the society as useful.


  • Collaboration as beginning, process and end. We now we have limited knowledge. In architecture, thousands of variables that influence decision-making get involved, and we believe we do not have the power to make them alone. This is why we trust psychology experts, interior designers, engineers, innovation experts, sociologists, graphic and visual designers, construction workers, photographers, artists, industrial designers, etc. And we try to learn processes and ways to see reality in each one of our collaborations.



We are not conformist; we will never stop reinventing ourselves.

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